Mi foto
Me llamo Matias, soy un chico promedio de 18 años. Me gusta tocar guitarra, cantar, las frituras, postres, escribir, joder con amigos, las parodias, cuando estoy depresivo suelo escribir mas que de costumbre.


Kakapos ~

 Kakapa, kakapo, kakapos everywhere
 If I think in a bird, a kakapo appears in my mind
 Where my head was, there is now a green night parrot.

 What is this animal? Who is this bird?
 I don't know, it just appears in my life.

 Why it just don't leave my mind? Why I don't let it go?
 I think I don't want to let this bird go

 I think this kakapa have something that I want
 I like this kakapa, and I like this something that she have
 If I don't know what to do, I'll just still thinking about ~

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